Friday, February 28, 2014

A Long Awaited Catch Up Post!

I realize I said I was going to do this posting daily, but honestly, I have come to find that some of my days just aren't as interesting as others and therefore require no posting. This week was one of those weeks. It has been very much a, go to work at 7:00am get back to my room at 6:00pm and repeat.

Well I finally got to move yesterday into my new place. It is much bigger than a small hotel room, that is for sure. The only thing I am seriously upset about moving is that my shower head really sucks now. Other than that, I now have a full size refrigerator, a kitchen, dining room, living room and when you climb the stairs, I have a large bedroom with a balcony and my bathroom. It is actually really nice, only I am having the severe fear when I turn every corner wondering if this is the day I am going to come across a giant spider. Luckily, that day has not yet come and I am hoping and praying it never does actually come.

Today has by far been the most...interesting day, if that is what you can really call it. First, I learned that my phone downstairs rings like someone in New York is ringing your buzzer. It is a really load and annoying buzz sound. It sounded so much like someone was buzzing though that I actually unlocked the front door and opened it and had time to get a little weirded out before I realized that it was the phone. On my way to work, I saw two little children bathing in the sewer canal along the side of the road. So in the US there are sewer drains that collect rain water and whatever else. Well here, there are small canals that are dug into the side of street that collect rain water and direct it to wherever it is that it goes. I will take a picture tomorrow and post it. Well today, two young kids were standing inside that canal, bathing themselves in storm water that honestly probably did no good in cleaning their bodies since it had been carrying all the dirt from further up the canal. I was just shocked to see naked people, children at that, standing on the side of the road with all that traffic going by...cultural differences, that's for sure!

As we got a little further up the road, a boy was walking along the side of the street with a firm grasp around the tail of a dog that he was carrying upside down. Obviously no dog would willingly be carried around like that...if it were alive. Poor puppy looked like a German Shepherd or something like that and no more than a year old and it was dead. It made me sad because I miss my puppies so much and here they are just killed or wander the streets with no home.

Well today is usually a half day since we work 9 hour days the rest of the week, but I had the honor of working until 5:00 and I get to work all weekend until the budget is ready to submit to DC. Unfortunately, there is so much more to do and it is so tedious and involved that I am exhausted by the early afternoon. But after today was over, I went with the country coordinator for the office that I work in and we went over to someone's house who was throwing a wine and cheese party for Americans who work at the embassy. It was pretty decent! When we got there, there was all types of foods to snack on and people to converse with. The Deputy Chief of the Mission (aka, second in line to the Ambassador) was there and very relaxed. She seems pretty nice. I guess I will get to know her more at my meeting with her and the Ambassador next Wednesday! People started to leave around 6:15, but then a whole new group of people showed up, including the Ambassador. I met his wife and we talked for a little while. It is just funny because the Ambassador grew up in Eugene which, if you aren't from Oregon, that is about an hour from where I grew up at. We also both graduated from the University of Oregon so I think I am already in his good graces since I am a Duck fan!

Well I ended up leave at about 7:30 and just got back to my apartment not too long ago. About to go to sleep before long so I can get up and take my clothes over to someone's house to wash them tomorrow and then go to work. Hopefully we can get this budget done somewhat quickly so we don't have to work until 10:00pm on Monday!!!

I will post pictures of my apartment tomorrow probably. I am just too lazy to get out of this bed right now and the A/C feels so good! Good night everyone!

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